Installing Pear Beta Packages

Here is a quick tip that will show several methods how you can install pear beta packages. Normally if you will try to install a pear package that has not released yet a stable version, you will receive an error like:

pear install Translation2
Failed to download pear/Translation2 within preferred state "stable", latest release is version 2.0.0RC3, stability "beta", use "channel://" to install
Cannot initialize 'channel://', invalid or missing package file
Package "channel://" is not valid
install failed

Method 1: The classic way - to set the preferred_state beta

pear config-set preferred_state beta
pear install Translation2
pear config-set preferred_state stable

or much simpler we can set the preferred_state within the same command:

pear -d preferred_state=beta install Translation2

Method 2: Shortcut… add -beta at the end of the install command

pear install Translation2-beta

Method 3: Force the installation with -f

pear install -f Translation2
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